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Link captionStafford Farm Consultants are Agricultural and Financial Consultants based near Kells in Co. Meath.
The business is owned by Brendan Stafford who has a wealth of expertise in this field through his financial career, farming education and background in dealing with farmers, individuals and small to medium sized enterprises (SMEs).
"our mission is to provide sound, independent advice to enable you achieve your business and personal goals on time"
A Goal without a Date is only a Dream
We provide the following services to Farmers, Individuals and Businesses:
Financial Consultancy
Agricultural Consultancy
We provide a full range of Agricultural Consultancy Services
Home About Financial Consultancy Agricultural Consultancy Contact UsStafford Farm Consultants
Brendan Stafford B.Agr.Sc., QFA, C.Dip.A.F., TMITIRoselawn, Hurdlestown, Kells, Co. Meath, A82W6P7Mobile: 086-877 2519Phone: 046-902 7082Email: staffordbrendan@gmail.com